Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Crazy Love

I've been reading this book, Crazy Love, by Francis Chan.

And when I say reading, I don't mean pick it up before bed and leisurely read a chapter.

I mean, brace myself for convicting truth, read a page or two, put it down, and pray. Sometimes weep. Sometimes repent.

The book's message has arrested my thought life. It's become a force that causes me to wrestle with self-assessment like never before.

I've invited the Holy Spirit to search me, my lifestyle and my worldview. To make me see ministry and discipleship a little more objectively. A little more through the lens of scripture.

I may blog later on specific issues the book has raised, but for now I invite you to join me!

If you're looking for some junk-food fiction (which I do read), this isn't it. If you're looking for a catalyst for your relationship with God, this may be it.

Let me know if you get it! I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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